Online Booking

* If you cannot find your preferred time slot, please contact us on (08) 6186 6225 so we can do our best to accommodate your request. We may have emergency slots available.

* Free Invisalign consultation available

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Pola Light Teeth Whitening Promotion

For only $350, in conjunction with an exam and cleaning, you can achieve a shining smile. Dental Paradiso Teeth Whitening Promotion  

You can now get Pola Light teeth whitening treatments for $350 (originally valued at $450).

Our friendly dentists will examine your teeth, check if it suits you, and provide you with teeth whitening consultations, so that you can apply the teeth whitening kits at home with peace of mind. Note: Your private health insurance may cover up to 90% of the cost depending on your premium. Many patients who are paying high private insurance fees do not know they are eligible for teeth whitening cover.



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