Straighten your teeth with Invisalign

Interproximal reduction (IPR), also referred to as enamel reduction or stripping, is a procedure that is minimally invasive and is used in conjunction with Invisalign treatment to address specific dental issues. This procedure involves the gentle removal of small amounts of enamel from crowded areas or around crowded teeth, which creates ample space for the clear aligners to efficiently move the teeth.

Ivisalign IPR involves strategically adjusting the size and position of teeth to correct or prevent crowding, improve bite alignment, reduce the formation of black triangles between teeth, and enhance the overall symmetry of the smile. This procedure is performed only on specific teeth, is quick and painless, and results in a more successful and aesthetically pleasing outcome.

Invisalign attachments

Invisalign attachments, which are sometimes referred to as buttons, are essential components of the Invisalign treatment process. They are small brackets or tooth-coloured dots that are made of composite dental bonding. The attachments are positioned on specific teeth in a strategic manner to optimise the aligners’ ability to achieve the desired tooth movements.

Invisalign attachments enhance grip and establish anchor points, enabling the aligners to exert accurate forces and control the direction of tooth movement. They are especially beneficial in dealing with intricate malocclusions and achieving difficult tooth rotations, extrusions, or intrusions. Although attachments may slightly affect the visibility and comfort of the aligners, they play a crucial role in achieving optimal results with Invisalign treatment. Attachments ensure precise and predictable tooth alignment.

Invisalign ClinCheck treatment plan

This ClinCheck treatment plan video clip for Invisalign offers a comprehensive and detailed visual representation of the expected tooth movement for a patient who has a deep overbite. The video clips display different viewpoints to demonstrate the proposed modifications.

The diamond symbol with the numbers 0.3 and 0.2 in the anterior view suggests that a proximal reduction, which involves a slight reshaping of the enamel by 0.3 mm and 0.2 mm, is recommended to make room for tooth movement. Attachments are crucial in facilitating the process of anterior intrusion in Invisalign treatment.

The sequential movement of the teeth can be observed in the right and left lateral views, which begin at the left 2nd molar and progress through the 1st molar, premolars, canines, and incisors. The gradual movement of teeth ensures that they are properly aligned and positioned.

The upper and lower occlusal views showcase the rotational and tilting adjustments that have been applied to the incisors and canines to attain the intended final position.

During the Invisalign treatment, attachments are used to apply constant pressure. This helps to ensure that tooth movement is controlled and predictable, as predicted in the ClinCheck® simulation. The treatment plan’s primary objective is to correct the patient’s deep overbite and attain ideal alignment and occlusion.

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